Stable fibroadenomas and hamartoma in the right breast, ACR 2.



Stable fibroadenomas and hamartoma in the right breast, ACR 2.


No particular risk factors.
The patient had surgery for a fibroadenoma in the left breast and has been monitored ever since for multiple fibroadenomas in both breasts, which reappeared in particular after a pregnancy.
There was also post-breastfeeding mastitis in the left breast.


The digital mammograms of the right breast show a breast of totally stable aspect with type II intermediate density, with two main nodular formations visible in the retroareolar region, of stable aspect, the lobed edges of which are clearly visible with tomosynthesis.
Also a stable aspect to the opacity at the right lower medial level, with discreetly lobed edges, heterogeneous opacity with fatty components, the disposition of which is obvious with tomosynthesis.
No suspicious micro-calcified sites. Known benign micro-calcifications in the left breast, visible in previous mammograms.

Key points

This case makes it possible to show the aspect of certain benign lesions with tomosynthesis.