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How to use e-Anatomy and vet-Anatomy content?

You can use content from e-Anatomy and vet-Anatomy as courtesy in scientific articles, research and educational posters. We have detailed the conditions below:  


General Guidelines

When using a database or images from an external source, it is important to quote where the information was collected. Quotations should include at least the following pieces of information to be arranged in accordance with the citation style you are using.

  • Author or creator - the person(s), organization, issuing agency or agencies responsible for creating the dataset
  • Date of publication - the year the dataset was published, posted or otherwise released to the public (not the date of the subject matter).
  • Title or description - complete title or if no title exists, you must create a brief description of the data, including the time period covered in the data if applicable
  • Publisher - entity (organization, database, archive, journal) responsible for hosting the data 
  • URL and DOI  - the unique identifier if the data set is online

While we may allow you to use e-Anatomy or vet-Anatomy content for your research or other non-commercial purposes upon written request, we want to ensure that e-Anatomy and vet-Anatomy are correctly referenced in all situations where it is used publicly, as outlined below.


Cases in which permission to use content is usually granted

Using e-Anatomy or vet-Anatomy in your research or courses needs written authorization from us (contact us here).

Generally speaking, we grant permission for non-profit purposes:

  • Scientific articles
  • Research studies
  • Educational purposes

More precisely, we may grant you the permission to use some images from e-Anatomy or vet-Anatomy for presentation, provided it is for educational, offline and non-profit purposes. Please contact us and explain the context in which the IMAIOS content would be used.



Citing use of some images from e-Anatomy / vet-Anatomy in your work

Screenshots should be accompanied by the following mention:

Courtesy of IMAIOS ©️ "Micheau A, Hoa D, e-Anatomy, www.imaios.com, DOI: 10.37019/e-anatomy”


Using e-Anatomy / Vet-Anatomy as reference in your work

When citing our atlases as references in your work, use the following citations:

e-Anatomy: “Micheau A, Hoa D, e-Anatomy Atlas, www.imaios.com, DOI: 10.37019/e-anatomy”.

vet-Anatomy: “Micheau A, Hoa D, vet-Anatomy Atlas, www.imaios.com, DOI: 10.37019/vet-anatomy”.
