Longissimus muscle

Musculus longissimus


The longissimus muscle forms the major portion of epaxial muscle mass. It extends of the entire length on the back and neck, from the pelvis to the head, thus forming the longest muscle of the body. 

Its original segmental arrangement is still reflected in the numerous individual attachments of its segmental muscle bundles. Its overlapping fascicles arise form the sacrum, ilium, the mamillary and spinous processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and run cranioventrally and laterally to insert with several tendons on the mamillary and spinous processes and the longissimus tuberosities of the ribs.

It is subdivided into:

  • Musculus longissimus lumborum (the thickest part of the muscle)
  • Musculus longissimus thoracis
  • Musculus longissimus cervicis
  • Musculus longissimus atlantis
  • Musculus longissimus capitis
Text by Antoine Micheau, MD - Copyright IMAIOS Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas, Sixth Edition - Horst Erich König, Hans-Georg Liebich - Schattauer - ISBN-13: 978-3794528332

Comparative anatomy in humans

