Atrioventricular node

Nodus atrioventricularis

  • Eponym: Node of Tawara; Aschoff-Tawara node


The atrioventricular node (abbreviated AV node) is a part of the electrical control system of the heart that coordinates the top of the heart. It electrically connects atrial and ventricular chambers.

The AV node is an area of specialized tissue between the atria and the ventricles of the heart, specifically in the posteroinferior region of the interatrial septum near the opening of the coronary sinus, which conducts the normal electrical impulse from the atria to the ventricles. The AV node is quite compact (~1 x 3 x 5 mm). It is located at the center of Koch's Triangle—a triangle enclosed by the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, the coronary sinus, and the membraneous part of the interatrial septum.


The AV node receives two inputs from the atria: posteriorly, via the crista terminalis, and anteriorly, via the interatrial septum.


The blood supply of the AV node is via the AV nodal artery. The origin of this artery is most commonly (about 90% of hearts) a branch of the right coronary artery, with the remainder originating from the left circumflex artery.

This definition incorporates text from the wikipedia website - Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. (2004, July 22). FL: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved August 10, 2004, from

Comparative anatomy in animals

