Greater palatine canal

Canalis palatinus major

  • Synonym: Pterygopalatine canal


The greater palatine canal is a bony passage which is characterized by a groove on the maxillary surface of the palatine bone. When it connects with the posterior part of the body of maxilla, specifically in the maxillary tuberosity, the greater palatine canal forms. On both sides, this canal links to the hard palate through the greater palatine foramen near the posterolateral edge of the bony palate. Inside the greater palatine canal, you can find the greater palatine vessels and nerve, which reach the hard palate. Also, there are accessory canals branching off from the greater palatine canal, known as the lesser palatine canals. These transmit lesser palatine nerves that originate from the main nerve and travel backwards to innervate the soft palate.


Text written by Muhammad A. Javaid, MD, PhD © 2024 IMAIOS.

  • Drake, R.L., Vogl, A.W. and Mitchell, A.W.M. (2009). ‘Chapter 8: Head and Neck’ in Gray’s anatomy for Students. (2nd ed.) Philadelphia PA 19103-2899: Elsevier, pp. 819.

  • Helwany M, Rathee M. Anatomy, Head and Neck, Palate. [Updated 2023 Jun 5]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:

Comparative anatomy in animals

