Lateral cuneiform bone

Os cuneiforme laterale

  • Latin synonym: Os cuneiforme tertium
  • Synonym: Third cuneiform, Cuneiform 3
  • Related terms: Lateral cuneiform


There are 3 cuneiform bones in the foot’s tarsal region, all articulating behind with the navicular bone. The lateral cuneiform bone is the outermost one, positioned between the intermediate cuneiform (medially) and the cuboid (laterally), which it connects with.

Amidst the metatarsals, its primary articulation occurs with the base of the third metatarsal bone, distally. Due to the lateral cuneiform bone's forward extension surpassing that of the intermediate cuneiform and the cuboid, it also articulates with the bases of the second and fourth metatarsal bones on its inner and outer surfaces, distally.


Text written by Muhammad A. Javaid, MD, PhD © 2023 IMAIOS.

  • Drake, R.L., Vogl, A.W. and Mitchell, A.W.M. (2009). ‘Chapter 6: Lower Limb’ in Gray’s anatomy for Students. (2nd ed.) Philadelphia PA 19103-2899: Elsevier, pp. 604 & Fig. 6.95.

