Mental protuberance

Protuberantia mentalis


The mental protuberance, also known as the mentum, is a prominent feature of the human skull, that we commonly called the chin. It has a triangular shape and sits at the front center of the lower jawbone, giving the chin its distinctive forward thrust.

Right above the mental protuberance, there is a noticeable line called the mandibular symphysis. This line marks where the right and left halves of the lower jawbone meet. It then splits and extends around the triangular shape of the mental protuberance.

Below, the base of the mental protuberance presents as a dipped area in the center, whereas the sides of the chin–its inferolateral angles–are elevated, creating bony prominences called the mental tubercles.


Text written by Muhammad A. Javaid, MD, PhD © 2024 IMAIOS.

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