Patellar surface of femur

Facies patellaris ossis femoris

  • Latin synonym: Facies patellaris femoris
  • Related terms: Patellar surface


The patellar surface of femur is the anterior portion of the femur's articular surface that covers both the medial and lateral condyles. It articulates with the patella in the anterior region. This surface features a central groove that extends downward into the intercondylar fossa.

In contrast to the patellar surface, the portion of the articular surface that covers the condyles inferiorly and posteriorly is known as the tibial articular surface.


Text written by Muhammad A. Javaid, MD, PhD © 2023 IMAIOS.

  • Standring, S. and Gray, H. (2016). ‘Chapter 80: Pelvic girdle, gluteal region and thigh’ in Gray’s anatomy The anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. (41st ed.) New York: Elsevier, pp. 1348-1353.

Comparative anatomy in animals

