Subcallosal area

Area subcallosa

  • Latin synonym: Area paraolfactorius
  • Synonym: Paraolfactory area
  • Eponym: Paraolfactory area of Broca
  • Related terms: Subcallosal area; Subcallosal gyrus


The subcallosal area refers is a cortical region on the inner surface of each cerebral hemisphere. It is situated below the rostrum of the corpus callosum and in front of the paraterminal gyrus. Although there are slight variations in its definition, some important gyri in the limbic lobe exist within the subcallosal area. These gyri include the subcallosal gyrus (which continues from the cingulate gyrus beneath the rostrum of the corpus callsoum), and the paraolfactory gyri (which are in front of the paraterminal gyrus). Some sources also consider the paraterminal gyrus as part of the subcallosal area, which is located in front of the lamina terminalis.


Text written by Muhammad A. Javaid, MD, PhD © 2024 IMAIOS.

  • Hamani C, Mayberg H, Stone S, Laxton A, Haber S, Lozano AM. The subcallosal cingulate gyrus in the context of major depression. Biol Psychiatry. 2011 Feb 15;69(4):301-8.

  • Spasojević GD, Malobabić S, Suščević D, Stijak L, Nikolić V, Gojković I. Morphological variability of the subcallosal area of man. Surg Radiol Anat. 2011 May;33(4):313-8.

  • Mark LP, Daniels DL, Naidich TP, Hendrix LE, Maas E. (1994). Anatomic moment. The septal area. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. Feb;15(2):273-6.

Comparative anatomy in animals

