Subtalar joint

Articulatio subtalaris

  • Latin synonym: Articulatio talocalcanea
  • Synonym: Talocalcaneal joint
  • Related terms: Subtalar joint; Talocalcaneal joint


The subtalar joint (Talocalcaneal joint; articulation of the calcaneus and astragalus; calcaneo-astragaloid articulation) between the calcaneus and talus are two in number—anterior and posterior:

  • Of these, the anterior forms part of the talocalcaneonavicular joint, and will be described with that articulation.
  • The posterior or talocalcaneal articulation is formed between the posterior calcaneal facet on the inferior surface of the talus, and the posterior facet on the superior surface of the calcaneus. It is an arthrodial joint, and the two bones are connected by an articular capsule and by anterior, posterior, lateral, medial, and interosseous talocalcaneal ligaments.

The articular capsule envelops the joint, and consists for the most part of the short fibers, which are split up into distinct slips; between these there is only a weak fibrous investment.

The synovial membrane lines the capsule of the joint, and is distinct from the other synovial membranes of the tarsus.

Movements.—The movements permitted between the talus and calcaneus are limited to gliding of the one bone on the other backward and forward and from side to side.

This definition incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy (20th U.S. edition of Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, published in 1918 – from

Comparative anatomy in animals

