Superior pharyngeal constrictor

Constrictor superior pharyngis

  • Latin synonym: Musculus constrictor superior pharyngis; Musculus cephalopharyngicus
  • Synonym: Superior constrictor muscle of pharynx
  • Related terms: Superior constrictor


Origin: Medial pterygoid plate, pterygomandibular raphé, alveolar process

Insertion: Pharyngeal raphe, pharyngeal tubercle

Nerve: Vagus nerve

Action: Swallowing

The Superior constrictor (Constrictor pharyngis superior) is a quadrilateral muscle, thinner and paler than the other two. It arises from the lower third of the posterior margin of the medial pterygoid plate and its hamulus, from the pterygomandibular raphé, from the alveolar process of the mandible above the posterior end of the mylohyoid line, and by a few fibers from the side of the tongue. The fibers curve backward to be inserted into the median raphé, being also prolonged by means of an aponeurosis to the pharyngeal spine on the basilar part of the occipital bone. The superior fibers arch beneath the Levator veli palatini and the auditory tube. The interval between the upper border of the muscle and the base of the skull is closed by the pharyngeal aponeurosis, and is known as the sinus of Morgagni.

This definition incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy (20th U.S. edition of Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, published in 1918 – from

